As it says in our Mission statement, our aim is to reach out to the community around us and also to a “world in need”. We do this through prayer, financial support and short term missions.
The Missionaries and projects that we support are:
In Cheshire:

The mission of Ruby’s is to provide life changing support by means of specialist facilities and opportunities for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families, who live in Cheshire East.
Find out more here: https://www.rubysfund.co.uk/
In the United Kingdom

Teen Challenge UK is a registered charity and operates nationally to help young people who have developed life controlling problems, especially drug and alcohol addictions, and also to offer preventative help to those who may be in danger of doing so.
Find out more here: https://www.teenchallenge.org.uk/

Since 1988, Care for the Family has sought to promote strong family life and help those who face family difficulties. Our work has been focused on the UK, but increasingly through digital technology, we are reaching a wider audience.
Find out more here: https://www.careforthefamily.org.uk/
In Europe

Albanian Evangelical Mission works to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with Albanian people and encourage the life and work of Christian communities in Albania, Kosova and Macedonia.
Find out more here: https://aemission.org/
In Asia

Kehilat HaCarmel‘s (Carmel Congregation) founding vision is imbedded in the Lord’s heart to reach both Jews and Arabs in Israel, and to demonstrate the reconciliation and unity that the Messiah Yeshua has already accomplished for us.
Find out more here: https://www.carmelcongregation.org.il/

Focus on Israel (FOI for short) is one of the oldest Christian ministries working in the Land of Israel. Its mission is to serve in Israel and the UK by loving, teaching and caring for people.
Find out more here: https://www.foiuk.org/

We also support Catherine Young, a bible translator who works for SIL which is a global, faith-based nonprofit that works with local communities around the world to develop language solutions that expand possibilities for a better life.
Find out more about her here : https://www.sil.org/biography/catherine-mb-young
In Africa

African Enterprise (AE) is an indigenous Christian Mission ministry committed to evangelising the cities of Africa through word and deed in partnership with the church. AE’s holistic approach to missions involves four key ministry areas; Evangelism, Aid & Development, Peacebuilding and Leadership Development.
For more details see here: https://www.africanenterprise.co.uk/

Gathehu School & student sponsorship (Kenya) is a village in Kenya which until recently did not have a Secondary School. This project is ongoing and money is still being raised towards the building of a toilet block, additional class rooms and a library. See our webpage on this project for full details : Gathehu School Kenya – Cross Street Church

Watoto brings hope and healing to orphaned and vulnerable children in Uganda and South Sudan. This Christmas, you can help provide what every child deserves—food, an education, a home, a loving family, and the hope of Jesus.
Find out more here: https://www.watoto.com/
In South America

Oasis of Hope Foundation was founded by David Taylor in 1999 as a Christian based, non-profit, charity with the aim of tackling abject poverty. It all started under a tree providing food and bible teaching. Today the work touches the lives of over 1700 children.
Find out more here: https://oasisofhope-uk.org/
Worldwide Missions:

World of Worth’s vision is to liberate families and communities from poverty, and their mission is to restore dignity, worth and hope to women, girls and communities marginalised by society.
Find out more here: https://www.wowuk.org/

Barnabas Aid is an international aid agency that aims to support Christian communities, churches and individuals around the world who face persecution and discrimination because of their faith.
Find out more here: https://www.barnabasaid.org/

Open Doors originated in 1955, when a young Dutchman started smuggling Bibles to the persecuted Christians in Communist Europe. He became known as Brother Andrew, and his work led to more than six decades of support for the persecuted church worldwide.
Find out more here: https://www.opendoorsuk.org/

CSW‘s team of specialist advocates work on over 20 countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, to ensure that the right to freedom of religion or belief is upheld and protected.
Find out more here : https://www.csw.org.uk/home.htm