Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of Heaven belongs to people who are like these children.” (Matthew 20.14, NCV Anglicised Edition)
At Cross Street Church we help children and teenagers to find Jesus for themselves and to discover what God has to say to them through the pages of the Bible. We use whatever media and creative resources are available to make the message clear, relevant, and enjoyable.
The new entrance area and recently refurbished church hall provide an excellent venue for our youth and children’s activities. For toddlers and young children we have a ball pool, large play blocks, lots of toys for the children to push or ride on and a wide variety of small world and construction toys. For the older children and teenagers there is a hall where they can play football and basket ball, a youth room which is equipped with a full size air hockey table and a table football table as well as a PS3 console. There is also a games room with four game consoles and a variety of games for all ages.
The regular activities that take place during school term time are: Cross Street Parent and Toddler Group, Kidz Church, and Lighthouse .