Come and join us thursdays 7.00-8.30pm for our bible studies
We just meet in person during the lighter evenings and any that wish to join us in person are welcome to come to the church, which starts with tea/coffee at 7pm for a 7.15pm start.
We move to a hybrid meeting in the autumn and also run the in church bible stidy along with Zoom for those that wish to stay at home during the darker evenings – if you you’d like to join and aren’t on our prayer list please email us for the link.
Bible Study Notes
Many of our bible study sessions come with notes, a sample is shown below. If you’ve missed a session or there is a particular topic you are interested in please get in touch and we can see if we can help. All bible study notes should be assumed to be distributed under a creative commons licence (Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike) unless otherwize indicated.
Our recent series on the gifts of the spirit are now available to view and download from here

No bible? Or want to look at a verse in a different version – have a look at the bible gateway site – link below
Read the bible online here: https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/